What was New in 2003
News & corrected address for
Dianna Kay Hauskins
- 8/17/2003
Oh ma gowd!
Dennis Paresa
is Married! - 12/18/2003
New Photo Album
Cricket Mowatt
- 12/7/2003
#217 Please Welcome -
Gwen Cadabes Dye
- 12/7/2003
Newsy Update
Laura 'Tinker' Mentzer Hall
- 8/16/2003
#216 Please Welcome -
Donald H. Wilson
- 11/25/2003
Check it Out....
Mikal Perry's picture album
is now available! We need some help with the identifications. Let us know, who you recognize - especially all you Navy Juniors
Please Welcome -
Chris Ekenberg
- 11/13/2003
More information on the life of
Wirt Salthouse
from his brother, Tim
Ace Evers
, his family and home in Big Bear are OK!!
David Ochs
reports home and family safe in Lake Arrowhead - 11/25/2003
New E-mail address for
Keith Carlson
- 10/25/2003
Mikal Perry Fonseca
. She reports that her email is now working and promises to send some photos from the good old days - soon.
The Web Master
looked in on the Class of '63 Reunion at the Fremont Hotel in Las Vegas last Saturday night.
Click here
to see your old friends from '63. They seemed to be having a really great time! Why can't we? Someone needs to organize a committee! - 10/21/2003
#214 Please Welcome -
Jan Garrett Maddux
- 10/16/2003
Cheryll Elizabeth Davis
has found us - Please give her a big '64 welcome!
New Message from "Dink" -
Details Here
Robert Nishida's Picnic Photo Album
News & Corrected - Email for
Ken Murray
- 8/17/2003
Newsy Update from
Mary Kay Aeschliman Anderson
- 8/16/2003
Do you recognize
our classmate
, on the right?
#212 Please Welcome -
Antoinette 'Toni' Lowe Hulce
- 8/15/2003
#211 Please Welcome -
Dennis John Clement
- 8/6/2003
What I did on MY vacation -
A Gallery
- 8/4/2003
Vacation Photos
- 7/28/2003
#210 Please Welcome -
Thomas Joseph 'Tommy' Hickcox
- 7/17/2003
News & Corrected - Email for
Mike Griffin
- 8/11/2003
New E-mail address for
Robert 'Bob' Jodry
- 8/8/2003
New E-mail address for
Tom Hudson
- 8/3/2003
New E-mail address for
Dianne Caires Kamalii
- 8/2/2003
Mary Ann Chichoski Harbert
now has E-mail - 8/2/2003
New Address for
Ann Beaudry
- 7/31/2003
Update & Corrected Email for
Donnel Charles Cummings
- 7/28/2003
News & Corrected - Email for
Suzanne Bedke
- 7/25/2003
News & Corrected - Email for
Clarke Young
- 7/25/2003
Update -
'Kela' Trottier Ruuskanen
- 7/19/2003
Update -
Dave Launchbury
in San Francisco - 7/19/2003
Sad to note
- the death of
Sharon 'Sherry' Connors Finks
- 7/18/2003
New address & phone -
Ray Pulsipher
- 7/17/2003
Radford gets National Exposure Again
- 7/11/2003
Kona's back in the islands - again!
#209 - Please Welcome
Neil Christian Easley Brackett
- 7/3/2003
L.A. Lunch Bunch
- Please Welcome
Jackie Mack Wollman
- 5/15/2003
207 -
Please Welcome
Barbara Joy Hanna Calvert
- 5/10/2003
206 -
Please Welcome
Maycevene Li-Jean Lee
- 5/8/2003
205 -
Please Welcome
Sharon 'Sherry' Connors
- 4/30/2003
Newsy Update from
"Wanderin Dave" Denson
- 4/30/2003
204 -
Please Welcome
Sandy Joslin Dunn
- 4/3/2003
New Addition -
New Photo Montage
from Don Moore - 4/2/2003
203 -
Please Welcome
Philip N. 'Phil' Main
- 4/2/2003
Radford gets National Exposure
- 3/29/2003
New Addition -
Commencement Program
- 3/30/2003
202 -
Please Welcome
Catherine 'Cathy' Lenihan Kocur
- 3/28/2003
Newsy update and new Email for
Sue Edwards
- 3/25/2003
Newsy update and new Email for
Jerry Willover
- 3/17/2003
Mini Reunion
that YOU missed!
#201 - Please Welcome
Paul Hulett
- 3/3/2003
#200 - Please Welcome
Edmond 'Ed' Bouton
- 3/3/2003
Please Welcome
Michael 'Mike' Reed
- 3/3/2003
Please Welcome
Michael 'Mike' Colvin
- 2/28/2003
Sad to note -
Susan Prochoroff-House
died February 5, 2003
Please Welcome
Rodney C. Glover
- 2/15/2003
Please Welcome
Pat O'Caine Morris
- 2/12/2003
Please Welcome
William 'Bill' Soon
- 2/12/2003
Please Welcome
Vickie Kiehl Sharp
- 1/31/2003
New & Corrected - Email for
Dianne Welk Wilson
- 1/29/2003
Update -
Janice Ellering Kurokawa
- New address & phone - 1/24/2003
Sad to note -
Raymond John Caires
died in 1984 - 1/23/2003
Sadly -
Karen Snyder Daughtry's
husband died on Jan 8th this year
1st for 2003, Please Welcome -
Sara Lee Apgar
- 1/15/2003
Sad to note -
Janice Joanne Vierra
died in 2000 - 1/10/2003
Please Welcome
Paul M. Nihei #192
- 12/31/2002