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James David 'Dave' DensonJob Title - Director of Recruiting/Professional Leisure Tour
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Latest News - 1/27/2008 - I continue to be on the leisure tour and travel as opportunities present themselves. Just got back from Palm Springs for a week and am headed for Sedona, Az. next week - where I'll meet up with Chuck and Anna Holmes. I'm also planning on being in Panama this spring. Still living in Tubac, Az. and loving it.
12/13/2006 - Another great year on the Professional Leisure Tour! Spent the spring in Thailand, the summer in Oregon and kicked around Spain, Portugal and Morocco for 5 weeks this fall. Still loving Southern Arizona and the lifestyle it affords.
12/02/2005 - Dave relocated further south in March! The address above is his new contact address in Tubac, AZ. The phone number has been updated too. Give him a call or drop him an email!
4-30-2004 - After traveling the last 9 months I decided I needed a base of operation so bought a home in Grand Junction Co. Have spent the last 2 months getting it together. I have a guest bedroom for anyone traveling east or west on I-70--just give me a call. Looking forward to the summer events. Will be attending the Blue Grass Festival in Telluride, the Aspen Food and Wine Festival and the E.T festival in Roswell, New Mexico.
Dave retired in June and has been on the Professional Leisure Tour ever since. The Ram Page '64 Web Site has been instrumental in reconnecting with many lost friends. Tinker Mintzer in Portland Oregon, Bo Fitzhugh in Oxnard, California, Art Amidon in Victorville, California, Chuck Holmes in Falmouth, Mass. and Al Covey in Richmond, Virginia have become reacquainted. Dave is also looking forward to visits to the homes of Smiley Thompson and Lee Premo in the month of November.
Check out Dave's Walkabout Page - April. 2003
What I've been up to for 37 years in 100 words or less. Mrs.Fujimoto would be proud. Attended J.C. at Monaolu College on Maui for one year then transferred to U of H. Flunked out so joined the Navy and served in the Submarine Service. Hung out in the islands till 1970 then decided to explore the mainland for six months. Bought a VW microbus, let my hair and beard grow and traveled the country for 2 years. Had a lot of fun living in Houston for a spring, New Orleans in a commune for a winter, a summer in the Catskills, a winter in Mexico, another summer in the Adarondacks, a fall on Cape Cod, a winter in Florida, and then there was Colorado. Skiing and mountains towns put an end to my nomadic ways and I bought a little country store in Aspen. Hung there for a few years then attended Colorado State University where I got a BS in business which I use all the time--not the degree, but the BS. Upon graduation got a job as a sales rep for a food distributor, moved to Vail in 1980, got married in "83" had a son in "84" and have lived and worked in the Vail Valley ever since. Got divorced last year, continue to ski a little, but mostly snowshoe in the winters and golf, camp and hike in the summers. I have been known to wet a fly in some of the trout streams, enjoy cooking and fine dining and I am particularly fond of a good glass of red wine. Am looking forward to retirement in a warm climate, probably southern Utah or Arizona, in hopefully 12 to 16 months. Have kept up with my good friends Smiley Thompson and Chuck Holmes and called Lee Premo one night last week. That's about it for me, life is good, and I would enjoy getting re-acquainted with some of the old Rams and Ramettes from the class of "64".Back to Top