Links to Radford, Alumni and Military Brat Sites
The Radford Live Forum
seems to be more of the 70's & up classes
The Senior Patio Forum
60's class mates talk story! The is the one not to miss. Even has some great recipes! And Oh, the memories!
ram2.gif (3946 bytes) The current Official Radford High School Web Site - much improved and well worth a visit.
radford.gif (768 bytes) Bobby R. Thomas' Official Search Site for the Alumni of Radford High School, Hawaii. Trying to take over for Everett Peacock's Radford Alumni Web site

Lynne Nuibe's Class of '60 Web Site
Pictures and videos of the 40th and 45th reunions!

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New Class of '63 Web Site

Cyndi Lee Flugum's '63 Blog Site  

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The Ram Page '64

Al Covey's '64 Web Site - Complete list of full names of graduates from Commencement Program, a Photo Gallery with hundreds of pictures in the Then and Now section.  Also available on Facebook.

Class of '70 Reunion Web Site

Class of '70 Reunion Web Site - Very Complete Web /site with Then and Now section, input form and Guest book

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Claire Stoddard and Gregg Reiter's Class of 1979 Web SiteIt's got it all - senior photos, then and now and tons of reunion photos too.

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You can look for ClassMates from Radford H.S. and other schools as well

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