Job Title - Retired System Aircraft Maintenance Controller - United Airlines
Current Location - 32767 Hilmar St., Union City, CA 94587
Telephone - 510-435-4087
New Email -
Ever wanted to drive to Alsaka? Read Dave's account of his 2006 Spring Adventure starting here: One of several interesting items on his web site.
Update 7/18/2003 - "Count me as one of those "retired" folks. I left UAL almost a year ago although I'm now working again to keep me out (in?) of trouble."
"Graduated that weekend in June 1964 and Monday morning went to work as an aircraft mechanic at Hawaiian Air Tours Service. (See all the Islands of Hawaii for $75.00; wow things were cheap back then)... I have always regretted not taking that summer off but... In June of 1966, I somehow avoided "The Draft" (The only lottery I ever lost and felt happy about) and moved to Los Angeles to start work as an aircraft mechanic for United Airlines. Took 25 cents per hour pay cut too! Thirty-Five years later I am still with UAL, now as a Maintenance Controller, and continue to enjoy what I do. The money is just a little better. April 1968 married my Radford High School sweetheart, Pat Thomas, Class of 1966, and had two kids. Unfortunately like so many in my business who work weekends and rotating shifts the marriage ended in divorce. Fortunately we (she :-) ) were smart enough to do it as friends and we continue to be friends. Pat now lives in Sonora, California, without a computer or home email. Contact me if interested in her address. With United Airlines I have been too and worked, in various places, Mallorca Spain and The Canary Islands to name a couple of the more interesting assignments. Many good stories to spin while lying on the beach drinking Mai Tai's at The Royal Hawaiian Hotel... Presently married (again, 2 more grown up kids) with Carolyn, an English teacher I met in Spain, for the last 20 odd years and we live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Catch me online with MSN Messenger as or AOL IM as In fact most will get you connected with me. I still work funny shifts with weird hours and you are liable to catch me at any hour of the day or night. Email works best at, hmmm how unique... Enjoy life and have fun!!! Oh, bring a nice bottle of wine when you come visiting!" DaveBack to Top