Job Title - Assistant Principal/Dean, Hoover Middle School
Current Location - 1373 Dallam Ave. NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907
Telephone - 321-722-3708
Junior Homeroom 263
Update 11/19/2008 - Nothing really earthshaking to report from the space coast of Florida … one new granddaughter in May to make a total of two. Also note new email address. "I didn’t want to change the ISP but Kathy found a “deal” that even I could not refuse…"
I finished my Masters! I moved right in to an administrative position as soon as I had my "ticket" seems to always be about ticket punching non?? Enjoying the change from the classroom although the front office of public school does present its own unique set of problems.
I did make contact with an old Foster Village buddy...Pat O'Caine's ('64) husband Dean Morris (who went to Iolani HS but was certainly part of the crew back in the day.) I think that they live full time in Kauai now and no longer do the transient thing. Was saddened by hearing that Marsha Klamm ('63" died a year ago or so...that news came to me via Carol Schnaidt ('63)...time marches on... I still have a note now and again from Nancy Kemp ('64) who is in touch with a few more of us here and there... Like a centipede or something we are. Legs all over the place!!I'm back in school for another masters... getting out of the classroom this time... off to administration. Desperately need a change of pace... a couple decades in the middle school classroom will pack anyone off to the funny farm!
Attended Radford sophomore and junior year. Lived in Foster Village. I sure did know Christine Yeager...knew her very well (well...not THAT well)...and Nancy Arnold's name rings a bell but the face isn't there..unlike Christine..I hung out with Steve Alport, Matt Kramer, Adrian St. John (who is still in Pearl City I think) Melanie Wilson, Sue Coleman, Vicky Huff, Marcia Klamm, Farren Rossetti, the Miller brothers, Lani Keoho, Carolyn Levitte, the Schnaidt sisters, Janet Spore and god knows who else.....most of the above were Foster Village people, but not all...we use to spend a lot of time with the Makalapa people too...but what a blast it was!! I saw Dottie Cummings's name and I need to drop a note to her...she was a little package of non-stop energy!!
I lived on Molehu Dr. in Foster Village which wasn't too far from the cane fields...I remember all the damn spiders, rats and things that came out of those fields when they burned off the trash after harvest yuck...
I teach 8th grade American History..I taught World History to 9th graders for eleven years before that and I miss them...the 8th grade thing is tough...bounced around the world a bit since Hawaii days...Army...Vietnam...even did some time (three years) in the Middle East as a mercenary....really...worked in a family business here in Florida for awhile and then settled down in the past few years as the pace of life needed to slow down a bit...and so it goes...
I had a very strange Radford experience years back...I was at The Wall in Washington DC and there was a lei at the foot of the wall that extended from one end to the other. It was placed as a remembrance from the students at Radford for those who weren't as fortunate as I was. I wondered at the time which names on the wall belonged to Radford kids and how many of them I might have known....maybe someone at the school has the info...anyway...
This "thing" from Radford is an add-on to the same thing from my combat unit in Vietnam....someone called and asked me to log onto their home page and people have been popping up ever since..a few ghosts too...had a good cry when I found out that one of my dearest freinds in VN was killed shortly after I left....those were the dark days of the 60's for me - 11/18/99Back to Top