Job Title - Real Estate Broker
Current Location - 632 South Columbus, Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone - 703-973-9142
Update 1/4/2009 - I am doing a little catering, but back doing
real estate full time again and am enjoying it. Catering on a 62 year old gal is very tough, so I went back and decided to do what I did so well at early in life. It is a crazy thing out there, but there are many people who need a good realtor and so there is business to be had in this so called down market. My license has hung with Long and Foster for years.
I'm Nancy Jo Kemp from the Class of 64. We lived at 405 Beard Ave on Hickam. I left Radford my junior year for the mainland and ended up in Alexandria VA and graduated from Mt Vernon HS. Then off to the U of Wyo. I flew as a stewardess for American Airlines and Pan Am until 1978. I was married for 7 years and started a career in real estate where I met Betty Rice known to Seniors at Radford as Betty Blake. I also sold a house to a '63 grad Chuck Williams. We'd been friends for sometime and never realized we'd been in HS together. In 1994 I started my catering business Exceptional Events and love it. Have 2 great dogs, still spend a lot of time on the water, and love life to it's fullest each day. Lost my partner Terry Moore, of 10 yrs., to cancer on Feb 14, '99. He was only 49. I am so glad I found this page and look forward to opening new doors with old friends. I have a great life and live each day to it's fullest and I can't wait to hear from someone from years gone by. Aloha to all. 1/20/2000Back to Top