.  Have been dating a man who has ties to Hawaii and a sister-in-law (he is a widower) who provided wonderful accommodations in Kaimuki. Barbara is a professor at Chamanade University and acting dean of one of the business schools. Anyway, went boogie boarding a few times but Levi isn't really comfortable in the water so it was either watch him drown trying to keep up with me or find other things to do. We basically explored the whole of Oahu and even "groan" the Polynesian Cultural Center. Spent a lot of time flaking out Kailua side and generally kicking back for a change. Ate lots of Kalbi but have thus far managed to keep weight loss from weightwatchers. Son Craig and daughter-in-law Anna finally graduated law school in May and are awaiting the bar results in November. Brad will become a father for first time in January. Mom is healthier than I am (home for last two days ill), she is pushing 88 and we are planning another cruise, this time with my two sisters. We go on at least two a year and will continue to do so as long as she can travel.
Update 9/12/2009 - "Just had an amazing thing happen. I am home with the flu and received an email from a woman who has the drawings I did of the Beatlesin 1963 and the letter I wrote to them. She was going through a box of things, found the letter and looked up Cricket Mowat on the internet and found me via the Class of 64 web site. She sent me a digital photo of the drawings I made when I was 17. Whoa! Forty-six years later. Apparently the Beatles never received my packet but her auntie who worked at the Royal Hawaiian gave the drawings to her and she has kept them all these years. I spent three weeks in Hawaii this summer
Update 4/9/2009 -
"Am fine, daughter getting married May 24th, then off to Hawaii on June 17th. Film at eleven."
12/4/2006 -
But, boy am I stoked. I love this place. Big trees, tons of squirrels, a
hot tub (which now works) and the feel of being out in the country with
close city conveniences. How did I ever get this lucky? Looks like my
other house is going to sell pretty quick (I hope) and I am trying to kick
back for a few days, see movies, watch da birds, enjoy a break in the winter
weather, get back on my exercise routine so I can surf this summer...and
rest da head. It has been a wild few weeks.