Hi Everyone This website is too cool! It's been a long time since 1964 and my life has been blessed. After graduation I entered Queen's Hospital School of Nursing and graduated in Aug.'67. I met and married Ralph in June of '67. He is a wonderful man and we are busy growing old together! I should say, enjoying our middle years! I left Hawaii in Sept '68 and moved to Las Vegas where I continued nursing in my specialty area of Labor and Delivery. We adopted our first child, Bryan Patrick in 1971. He was just over a year old and he has grown into a wonderful, soon to be 31 year old. He is an electrician and really enjoys his job. Bryan is married and has no children as of now. I switched specialty areas in nursing in 1970 to Pediatrics and worked for a local pediatrician for 5 years before taking time off when we adopted our second child, Alanna who is now 25 years old with 3 very active children. Courtney is soon to be 8; Austin is 6 and Zachery just turned 3. The old folks are kept jumping when they are here for occasional weekend visits and babysitting. I returned to nursing when Alanna was a year old back in the hospital environment, this time as Head Nurse of Pediatrics at University Medical Center. After 2 years of 24/7's I called it quits and stayed home for a few years. Entering the work force was a challenge but, I survived. Started with Sav-On 11 years ago in the Pharmacy and am now a Supervisor. After my 2 years of middle management in nursing, this is where I'll stay! Ralph and I will be celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary in June of this year (remember when 2001 was a space odyssey and not a real time?) If in your travels you land in Vegas, give me a jingle and we'll show you the REAL LAS VEGAS!
I'm still working at Sav-On but, not in the pharmacy. I'm a supervisor on the retail floor and have been for a couple of years now. Still doing what I love best, helping people. 7/28/2002Back to Top