Job Title - Schott Foundation Vice President for Development and Strategy
Current Location - Boston, MA
Telephone -
Update 9/28/2010 - "I've moved to Boston." I began working with the Schott Foundation for Public Education as a consultant in 2008 and joined the staff as Vice President for Development and Strategy in 2009. I manage Schott's outreach to philanthropic partners for its collaborative endeavors and am a senior member of the Opportunity to Learn Campaign team.
Ann is another one of our classmates who is a published author. She and her co-author, Bob Schaeffer, wrote Winning Local and State Elections, which has been through several printings.
Update 2003 - "My kids and I are living in Mount Pleasant, a neighborhood I love and lived in 20 years ago when I lived in D.C. the first time... Balancing act, juggling and the political work I do Both important to me. Kate's 17, Christopher's 12--both love the zoo, the city, and are natural explorers!!"
Of her time in Hawaii she reports, "We had four full years. But, typical military style, we moved around even when on a small island! I went to Leilehua in Wahiawa for 7th and 8th, Punahou on a scholarship for 9th, then Radford for 10th. HATED to leave."
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