- 2/14/2006 - After retiring in 2001 I spent a while looking around, mostly in the western U.S., for a retirement home. My wife and I decided on the Phoenix area and then had a house built here in Sun Lakes. We moved in August 2004, just after her retirement. We have been spending our time setting up the new home and getting
acquainted with all of our new neighbors. We have taken a number of short trips to other areas nearby and want to get back to Hawaii for a visit in the near future. I'll let you know when that happens.
- We had a new home built in Sun Lakes, Arizona (just southeast of Phoenix) and
closed on the place in May. Penny wasn't eligible to retire at that time so
we stayed in Virginia until she retired. We had most of our furniture
delivered to Arizona in May and then 'camped out' in our Virginia home for a
couple of months. Penny's last day at work was July 30th and on the 31st we
put the rest of our belongings into a trailer and headed west. Arrived here
on August 6 and have been busy getting settled since then.
We have finally reached the point where we can start doing some sightseeing
and really enjoy our new retirement lifestyle.
3/17/2003 - Well, I have finally retired and am getting a lot of
much needed R&R. I've been catching up on a lot of the chores around
the house that there was never enough time for before I retired, now I don't
know where I ever found the time to go to work. My wife will be retiring
in July of '04 and between now and then we'll be looking for a new place to
live. We are planning on moving to either Nevada or Arizona. We have
to get away from the east coast humidity. We have been to both areas a
number of times over the years on business and vacation and both like it, so
we'll see. I've been doing a bit of research on the internet and plan a
trip to Las Vegas and several areas in Arizona, probably in May, to scout out
some of the possibilities. Then my wife and I can go out later this year
and check out the ones that I think she may be interested in looking over.
I haven't heard from any of the old crowd for a while. Am always looking
to hear from anyone and hope that we can have a 40th anniversary get together
next year.
I attended the University of Maryland after Radford and
then joined the FBI. I married Carol (Penny) in 1968 and we
currently live in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC. "I've heard from five more
old friends since Tuesday, I can't begin to tell you how good it is to reestablish contact
with them."