Job Title - Pastor
Current Location - McLoud, OK
Telephone -
E-Mail Ken at
NEW Email - 8/17/2003
UPDATE - 8/17/2003 - I am still pastoring, and have (within the past year) moved from Shreveport to pastor the Twin Lakes Church of the Nazarene just outside McLoud, Okla. Retirement still appears to be several years away.
After graduating, I attended college in Oklahoma. I presently enjoy the privilege of serving on the Board of Trustees for that same University. I've been involved in ministry in churches in Oklahoma, Illinois, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Louisiana. My wife, Margaret, and I have been married for 32 years. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Marriage and Family Therapist, and is currently Executive Director of a Counseling Center. We have two children, both residing in the Oklahoma City, OK area.
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