Job Title - Regional Manager for Delta Technology Inc.
Current Location - 19568 Vasile Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Telephone - (714) 593-6372
09/27/2007 - I had lunch a couple weeks ago with Bob Nishida & Mike Robertson. Mike said he was going to go back for the Radford 50th birthday bash. Neither Bob nor I can go because we each have trips scheduled for later in October. Bob is going to Japan and I will be in Maui for Halloween.
Bob Nishida and Mike celebrate Mike's birthday
10-17-99 - Mini Reunion II -Bob Nishida, Leroy Funn and I had lunch together Sunday. Bob's wife took a picture of the 3 of us. Maybe he will be able to send you the shot for the web site.
8-9-99 - Mini Reunion! Bob Nishida, Dennis Paresa, and I had lunch together last Friday. We met at a Hawaiian restaurant in Gardena CA. It was great to see them again and renew our friendships after all these years. It is good to find we still have many things in common. We plan to make it a regular event. We also talked about getting together, along with any other Radford grads that might be intersested, at The California Hotel in Las Vegas. The hotel is the Hawaiian "home away from home" in Vegas. Let us know if anyone out there may be interested. Aloha, Mike
"I left Radford during my Junior year, and moved to San Jose, CA. I attended Foothill College, before going on active duty in the Navy in '66. Spent 2 years in the Philippines, with a few TAD assignments to Da Nang. I went to work for Delta Air Lines in '68. I started in Atlanta, GA, moved to LA, then to Orlando, FL, before returning to LA in Sept. '98. Currently, I am the Regional Manager for Delta Technology Inc., we are the technology subsidiary of Delta. My office is in Los Angeles, but Hawaii is part of our region, so I do get back to the islands on a regular basis. I've been married for 26 years to my lovely wife, Mikki. We have a 16 year old son. Working for an airline has allowed us to travel the world. Our favorite destinations are Fiji, Australia and Italy. Cruises seem to be our vacations of choice lately, however we are planning a Hawaiian vacation next spring or summer." - 11/18/98