Attended Radford Junior & Senior year. Married classmate Janice Leigh Ellering and had two beautiful daughters. See Janice's bio. Got divorced. What's new? Remarried, two more beautiful children, son Phelan and daughter Briana. Self employed business man since 1979. Now working with a group in developing new cyber based business. Love high risk stuff. Do triathlons and have been in the internal Chinese arts of Tai Chi, Xing I , Ba Gua for the last 30 years. Love life, traveling and have a desire to reunite with whatever roots I can find as a service brat. Write, email or call . Anyone up for a reunion? Last visited Radford in 1992 - saw Mr. Kimura the Science teacher. It was his last year before he retired. Aloha!! 1/22/2000
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