Job Title - Project Coordinator
Current Location - Houston area
Telephone -
Email Margaret at
Yes, I have a new email address. Actually, I retired from the University of Texas School of Public Health! I took early retirement when our grant ended, and accepted a part-time job at a research/rehab institute. - 12/5/2002
"As you can see, I don't read my e-mail often enough. But here I am finally. Unfortunately, I don't have any info on class members. If I get any, I will forward it. I hear from a few souls every 5 or 10 years! I will certainly check out the class of 64 stuff! Would love to hear from the folks, and/or find out what they have been up to all this time. Maybe attend a reunion.. These days, if anyone is interested, I work at the University of Texas School of Public Health as Project Coordinator of a hepatitis C transmission study." 11-30-98