Job Title - Director, Marketing
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UPDATE - 12/22/2008 - Trust this communiqué finds you and your family in good health and ready for the holiday season. Linda and I are enjoying the festivities surrounding the
holidays with our granddaughters and their families. Our oldest daughter, Kelly, is due with our 4th granddaughter sometime between Christmas and New Years --- and my wife and I – while celebrating our 37th anniversary, were rewarded with the announcement that our youngest daughter was pregnant --- due in late May --- crossing our fingers it’s a grandson, but I’ll love it if is our fifth granddaughter. Well Linda and I have been blessed with good health, good life, and bundles of joys per our grandkids. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.
UPDATE - 7/28/2008 We finally pulled the plug and are downsizing by selling our home and moving into a smaller homestead. Sold our house in less than 2 days -- twice ---long story. Anyway moving the first weekend in August -- email address will stay the same however.
Latest News (7/1/2006) We now have a 3rd granddaughter....Kim our youngest delivered Reese Tomye Nickels on April 25th. I happened to be at Yankee stadium concluding a business trip when "Reesey cup" came to this world. She sure is cute...and fortunately she lives within 3 miles of our place. Linda's there almost on a daily basis.
(7/11/05) - Currently pacing myself after having endured my fourth back operation in early June .... 4 operations in 6 years ..... hell to get old. Anyway I'm recuperating quite well...and was flying within 10 days of surgery.
We're planning to head to Australia in late August...the prep has been enjoyable...and we're looking forward to the trip. Originally planned for October for 2001 to celebrate our 30th anniversary, but 911 killed that idea. I have some good friends of mine residing in Sydney, former CFO of Cole Meyers...and we're using his condo as a base station, while we visit with him for many days, then to Cairns, and onward to Melbourne. Returning shortly after the Labor Day weekend....three weeks.We have a new granddaughter ... Haile Rei Roberson .... born on Aug. 14th 2004; weighed in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20.5 inches tall. Both mother and daughter are back home and are doing well.
Survived the 60's, earned a BS & MBA; and settled down - 29 years; 2 daughters. I know that surprises a number of people. Married, two kids, now grown. Oldest, former member of USA Gymnastics Team, NCAA Uneven Parallel Bars champion, 91; recently married. Youngest, working on her doctorate. Haven't heard from any one of my buddies since I left in 1964 to attend the University of Missouri. Did visit Hawaii in 1984 and 1989; talked with Mrs. Ishimoto; visited Coach Allegro and our physics teacher. Took my kids to the school in 89. Surprised that it was not as BIG as I remembered during my stay. Loved to hear from those that remember those good foundation years.
Special Notice - Grandpa Macy
Well I was off on the arrival of our first grandchild. Macy Lynn Roberson arrived on Saturday, March 9th at 0532 EST. Seven pound, 10 ounces....21 inches...of bundled love. Two weeks early didn't surprise me. Such a large baby when her mother is so small...5' and weighed 110 lbs. before the pregnancy. Macy started lifting her head on day three...looks like we have a gymnast in the making like her mother. I was in Seattle when all this occurred. My wife left Atlanta immediately while I battled the spring breakers and finally arrived a week later. Have several pictures I wish to have posted. The first is a picture of our first grandchild....little girl, Macy Lynn Roberson, and her grandfather, Mike Macy, RadGrad '64. (Click to enlarge)
The second is a picture with my daughter, Kelly Macy Roberson, and my wife of 30 years, Linda Macy. (Click to enlarge)