Job Title - Retired Postal Worker
Current Location - 530 E Chateau Dr, Meridian, ID 83646-3790
Telephone - (208) 884-0644
Email address 7/23/2009
Update 8/1/2009 - "The heat is here as's high 102, tomorrow to be 101 and Monday 100. Of course we do not normally have high humidity so that helps. When we get rain it goes by fast as a look out and see some wind... then it rains on the west side of the yard blink and it is raining out front... blink again and it is raining over the drive way. Raise your arm to wave it goodbye cause it is gone and has moved on down the street. Since we moved to Idaho there have only been two days when it rained continuously. Must be why they call this "high desert" and drought is the norm. It is quite a contrast to the weather in the Willamette Valley of Oregon."
Update 7/23/2009 - Moved to Idaho just blocks away from my daughter and grandkids. Thus the new address, phone number and email address.Update 7/30/2001 -Plan a mini reunion with Jan Coons Hancock in November in the Dallas area. I am really looking forward to it. I figure it could take several months to get all caught up. It is great being in touch with friends. Thanks for all the work you all do to help that happen. Write or get in touch. The only thing that has changed since my first info is that my granddaughter is now 5, my grandson is 3, and I like many of us am now 55 and still alive and kicking.
Retired from US Postal Service in 1998. Moved to Eugene OR in 1970 with
husband Bob. Inveterate reader. I actually worked on a community
newspaper for pay so I guess I achieved my goal of becoming a journalist.
There have been a lot of interesting and fun stops along the way. Bob and
I are enjoying retirement. Our son Donnie lives in Texas but our son
Christopher and our daughter Lora and her family live here in the Eugene
area. We enjoy encouraging our four year old granddaughter Mckenzee and
22 month old grandson Ethan as they grow. We are blessed to have them
nearby. They go home saying "Gramma and Granddad let us do everything".
I still go "rambling" and love to take long road trips where we can stop at
all the little byways and explore the land and meet the people.
Lots of challenges have come in our lives but we have found that we can
survive if we keep the love going. - 2/27/2000Back to Top