Dottie Cummins Schmitendorf
Job Title - Retired business woman
Current Location - Piedmont, SD
Telephone -

You'll have to deal with Dottie's Earthlink spam zapper, but this email is
correct and working on 2/12/2009
Updated - 2/12/2009 -
I do hear
from Tinker and Robby Cahill. Tinker is still in Portland doing her antique
thing and Robby is in Cashier, NC, retired, but an avid volunteer.
Yes, I'm in Florida working and learning about blogs, twitter, and so on. I
love designing on a computer, but am somewhat of a Luddite. Throwaway cell
phone, no text messaging and so on.
Guess I will have to start figuring in all out! I was shaking just adding a
PDF to our company website!
Updated - 5/30/2008 -
Moved to SD in 1969. Worked in the printing industry for a LONG time including my own shop for 15 years. Sold it! Still in SD part of the time...Sarasota, FL, in the winter months where I work as a graphic/production person for a resort. I was not very good at retirement! After living/working in a resort of people of a "certain" age, have learned that getting older is something to grab on to with both hands and hang on for the ride... it's always interesting! Still married; 3 stepkids; 8 grandkids, two of whom are in college. I am a lazy answerer of emails, but will try to keep up.
Click the pictures to see
Dottie's South Dakota mini reunions.
Married 23 years; no children. 3 stepkids; 8 grandkids; 1 greatgrandkid. Lived in western SD for 30+ years.
Started/worked in own printing business for almost 15 years.
Sold it 1 year ago and am finally figuring out that I don't
have to work against deadlines any more. Life has been
interesting and I expect it to continue to be so for the
next 50 years or so. Always happy to hear from old classmates!
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