Job Title - Retired Management Agent
Current Location - Cashiers, NC
Telephone -
Update - November 19, 2013 - All things the same except for my wife's passion of breeding and showing Golden Retriever's. Several of our dogs we have placed have become AKC Champions and now one of our own has surpassed that title and has become an AKC Grand Champion.
"Indie, Celebrate Independence, Born on the 4th of July" is one of our own and has also managed to qualify for AKC show, obedience, and rally titles. She is shown here with our handler in final competition for her Grand Champion title.
Still keep in touch with Ken Lindberg and Dottie Cummings on an infrequent basis. In fact, Ken is waiting for one of Indie's puppies to be born and he will give it a new home.
Update - 12/11/2010 - Things in Cashiers have slowed down for the winter months. Population goes from about
12,000 to 3,000 as many head south to warmer weather. I still work at the Blue Ridge Mountain Free Dental Clinic where the demand exceeds our ability to help those in need.
My wife, Jeannie, is really going strong with breeding Golden Retrievers and is heading out on the show circuit. She has a nice website: and is becoming fairly well know in the surrounding states as a quality breeder. I mostly pickup the poop and play with the puppies. We are looking to sell our home and move closer to town where you really don't need a four wheel drive car to get around. Other than that, life is good.
June 2-3, 2010 - "Well, the night is over and we hope all the puppies have arrived (Max still looks a bit heavy to me). But the total is 11 puppies - 4 females and 7 males. First puppy came at 4:45 PM and last at 10:50 PM.
As mentioned one was still born but Jeannie
used a breeders technique to get things going and the female, now named "Lucky" by Robby, appears to be doing well. Maxie made it through quite well and seemed to know what was expected of a new mom. The first two days are the most critical so prayers would help."Still living in the mountains of Cashiers, North Carolina. Active in many of the local organizations, Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, Blue Ridge Mountains Free Dental Clinic and such. Trying to sell mountain house and move a little closer to town--somewhere with real roads, mail, trash service and basic things like that.
My daughter Amanda and her daughter came to visit us. She lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is the Marketing Director for Saks's Fifth Avenue. That's her daughter Tia, our dogs, Petunia (middle) Cashie (left) and Maxie (right).
8/21/2007 -We have moved to the mountains of North Carolina to a place called Cashiers. Pretty far out, no mail, no trash service, few people. Have satellite Internet. In spare time I am on the Board of Directors for the local Rotary Club, Free Dental Clinic and our Church. I actually assist one of our volunteer Dentists, who would have thought? We now have two Golden Retrievers that we are training to become Therapy Dogs. We live right next to Panthertown National Park and I manage to get out and go hiking about twice a week. Pretty nice to have a trail head 3 miles from the house. We just returned from a three month vacation to Alaska, what a great place. Had I not grown up in Hawaii, Alaska would have been home.
7/28/2002 I am still working in the nonprofit world, running three Neighborhood Centers in the Orlando area. These are sites located directly in needy communities that provide a variety of services. nurses, cops, counselors, home visitors, etc. The services are brought in based on the needs of the residents. Figure I'll do this for a few more years and head to the mountains of NC. We recently purchased some land in the Cashiers area and will build a nice home. My wife is still running a small business catering to cleaning exclusive residential homes, excellent money if one can keep employees.
Attended Radford Junior and Senior years.
University of Hawaii 64-66
Oklahoma State Univ. 66-69
United States Marine Corps (27 years, retired Colonel)
Now working in non-profit business in Orlando. Married, 1 daughter, wife owns a small business called Molly Maid of Orlando. Returned to Hawaii many, many times throughout career. Participated in 7 Ironman triathlons in Kona.