Radford Class of
'64 Reunion Questionnaire - Cumulative Results on Feb 27,2004 |
Total Responses - 69 Interested? Yes - 68 No - 1 Willing to help organize? Yes - 30 No - 39 City of Choice? Honolulu - 30 Las Vegas - 23 Los Angeles - 1 New Orleans - 3 San Antonio - 6 San Francisco - 5 Month of Choice? April - 7 May - 7 June - 14 July - 14 August - 15 September - 23 October - 30 November - 8 December - 5 Thank you All for taking the time to take the Questionnaire! Your answers are being collected with others to see if there is sufficient interest in having a reunion and enough people willing to help organize it. Results will be published here weekly. |