Job Title - Owner/Real Estate Sales & Resort Rentals
Current Location - Oak Island, NC
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E-Mail Sherri at
I was a sophomore at Radford. My military life ended in DC, trading my ID for a marriage certificate, but old habits are hard to break. My husband, Dick, and I moved around the East Coast (Seneca Falls, NY; Hanover, NH; Cumberland, RI; Greeneville, SC; Richmond, Va; Roanoke, Va) and finally settled on my home state of NC. Our 2 daughters were a treat to raise and continueto be a treat, as they are on their own. Dick and I own a Coldwell Banker Real Estate Sales Office as well as Oak Island Accommodations, a resort rental company and ancillary companies providing beach (items) rental and linen service. Our companies are on an island situated between Wilmington, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC.
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