Job Title - Retired
Current Location - Alameda, CA
Telephone -
Update 6/22/2011 -
Update 7/5/2008 - I'm doing great, still married to Norm, who is just fantastic (we recently celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary). I've become a grandmother and my grandson is just adorable. My little sister�s daughter is getting married next year. There may be a new baby coming soon we hope. I�m still working at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and I�m still taking classes in VFX. I just love this stuff especially the homework. BTW Marge Mello has moved to Texas and Sharon Miller has moved to New Hampshire. I have had more email contact from Marge than Sharon.
6/23/2007 - It has been busy at school with Summer classes starting. I�m taking classes as well. I hope to become a VFX Artist. (STARWARS)? I love working digitally, and created a great wall paper for my computer and digitally removing backgrounds and replacing them with something better for a friend of mine. Having a blast.
After I graduated from Radford, our family moved back to San Diego.
There I continued on at Southwestern College towards a Fine Arts Degree (I thought I wanted to teach kindergarten). I got my first job at Rohr Aircraft, saved my money and moved into my first apartment. From there I taught roller skating every Saturday morning to about 25 to 30 kids. Finally settled down and got a good Civil Service job. Got married, had 2 boys worked full time at a local college (backstage) and started acting as well (who would have guessed). Met and worked with Tom Hanks on a play. Had a royal blast. Today I work with Grad students for the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. Enjoying every bit. I also found time to sing in 2 Gospel Rock groups and Harmony Bay Chorus. For fun I still love Sci-Fi, love those Babylon 5 re-runs. It has some great philosophy. Check it out.
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