Job Title - Retired Auditor
Current Location - 6054 Spring Valley, San Antonio, TX 78247
Telephone - (210) 656-0208
New 7/14/2012
Update 7/14/2012 - "had someone try to get into my gmail account and had to change my E-mail address."
I'm doing great. Woke up one morn and couldn't think of a single reason why I was still working so retired in July. Decided the first thing I needed to do was get back in shape. My neighbor talked me into running a New Years Eve half marathon with him. Run is a misnomer, jog is more accurate. Now if I could just figure out how to stop my quickly receding hair line. Other than volunteering at the Wounded Warrior Center on Fort Sam I am not doing anything constructive. Spending allot of time on the golf course, sailing and playing softball in a old farts league.Met my sister in our home town of Huntington Beach, CA. a few months ago on family business. The Santa Anna Winds were blowing so hard it was miserable so we decided on the spur of the moment to fly to the Islands while waiting for the lawyers to do their thing. Terri hadn't been back since 66. We got to see a couple of friends and visit a few of the old haunts. Surprised how little Foster Village and Hickam have changed. Found the houses where we lived and had lunch at he O'club. I even got a chance to surf. It wasn't quite like riding a bike but the kids were nice enough to give me a few waves. I was a beautiful shade of pink by the end of the morning and paid for my adventure over the next few days. Wish we could could have stayed longer.Family is happy, healthy and doing well. Oldest and his wife are expecting another boy in the next few weeks. Daughter is expecting again. I think it would be nice to have a granddaughter but no one is paying attention. Our youngest is having way to much fun to think about marriage. However, his latest girlfriend and the mothers are working hard to clip his wings. The poor boy doesn't have a clue.It has been fun reconnecting with old friends. Wishing you and yours a healthy, happy New Year.Back to Top