Job Title - PBX Operator
Current Location - Gardnerville, NV
Telephone -
and she is on Facebook too. Look for Esty Childress (Esty Gard)Update 4/1/2012 - Esty has a new Email
Update 7/22/2008 - Esty has moved a short distance from her old home to Gardnerville, NV. She also asks that if anyone knows anything more about our freshman thru junior classmate, Cindy Musser, that they contact her. "I remember she was originally from the south (Tennessee, Alabama, maybe), but who knows where she might be all these years later."
After returning to Calif. in 1963 I graduated in Alameda from Encinal High School. In 1967 I married my Radford High sweetheart, John Childress-class of 1963. He was in the Navy by that time and after returning from the So. China Sea we were transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where we had the first of our 2 daughters. After Cuba we transferred to Corpus Christi, Texas where our second daughter was born. We lived in Texas about 4 years then returned to California. We divorced in 1978 and I have been living in Lake Tahoe, Nevada since. Outside of work I spend my time traveling, gardening, doing crafts for our employee craft show every year and working on my Family History and more recently I have been addicted to this site and other related sites. My boyfriend and I recently spent 2 weeks on the Big Island but our next trip will be to Oahu to check out the old stomping grounds. My 2 daughters are grown now and living close by.