Job Title - Corp. Sales
Current Location - 45 Feather Lane, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Telephone - (831) 425-4928
7/23/2007 - Update - Yep, I'm still alive and kicking. I retired 3 years ago last May. Enjoying every minute of it. I volunteer some of my time to the Red Cross - Went to Katrina.This site brings back memories and feelings that I thought were lost forever.. Thank you! Soon after graduation from Radford I settled in California. After college I began my career in sales (almost 30 years ago!) in the transportation industry. I enjoy my job, most of my clients are in Silicone Valley and I work with a lot of companies that are on the cutting edge of technology (from electronics to biotech). I have lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains for 20 years now, in a place called Bonny Doon. I am married with 2 sons. My hobbies are "kick ass gardening" with a chain saw on my property and fishing the Monterey Bay. I fish during the summer months for Salmon, Halibut, and Tuna. I don't really like to eat most fish but I sure like the sport! I look forward to hearing from anyone and will attempt to communicate with some of those who have been lost from my past. I'll look forward to attending the 40th in 2004!
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